Monday, June 4, 2007

Ridin' the rails

and smelling like a hobo to boot! Last night we came home from Venice via another night train ... I was a little more anxious about this trip because my first experience was not that hot (the croupy little baby, the exhausted coach mates). However, last night played out more like I imagined: like a trip on the Hogwarts Express only with vodka and Fanta mixers, a randy, foul-mouthed Australian couple, and a lecherous Italian man who bought at least a dozen tiny Bailey's and Grappa bottles to get the girls in his coach more drunk ... at any rate, it was fun. There were some of my American cohorts and the aforementioned foreigners as well as a Romanian girl named Cornelia. We were extremely loud and mostly drunk which helped pass the time until about two in the morning which is when things got sketchy ... and this will have to be a two-parter because the lobby of the business school is flooding with black suited French students and it's almost time for lunch in the cafeteria, so time to see what kind of interesting food is being served today. It was ratatouille and couscous the other day ... not bad.


Matt said...

Way to leave us wanting more! Can't wait to see what happens in part two.

Johnny said...

Oh you drifter!

Jen said...

I know ... I'm just an old drunken hobo, dirty feet hanging off the side of the TGV, heading to who knows where!

jennifer said...

you're a cute drunken hobo though. i know the rest of the story too... muahahaha..